国际象棋 / Chess Course

课程信息介绍 上课时间: 可具体咨询  招生年龄:  班级人数:  补习方向:  教学目标:   Service Description Time: Sunday:  Admission Age:  Number of students per class:  Subjects: Learning objectives: 国际象棋课程/Chess course 博文国际象棋课程为学生提供了与经验丰富的老师学习和发展国际象棋技能的机会。我们的老师曾带队参加国家级的国际象棋比赛,在教授初级和高级国际象棋选手方面有丰富的经验。 在课程中,学生将学习国际象棋的基本规则和策略,以及高级战术和游戏分析。他们将通过国际象棋培养自己的批判性思维和解决问题的能力,以及长时间专注和集中注意力的能力。 我们的老师致力于提供一个支持性和参与性的学习环境,学生可以按照自己的节奏发展他们的技能。他们将为每个学生提供个性化的反馈和指导,帮助他们提高棋艺,充分发挥他们的潜力。 无论学生是刚接触国际象棋还是已经有了高级技能,我们的国际象棋课程都能为每个人提供一些东西。学生将有机会参加友谊赛和比赛,并培养对这一迷人游戏的终生热爱。 我们欢迎所有年龄和技能水平的学生加入我们这个令人兴奋和有益的学习旅程,并与我们经验丰富的老师一起发现国际象棋的乐趣和挑战。   Chess class and other subjects’ settings   Bowen Chess course offers students the opportunity to learn and develop their chess skills with a highly experienced […]


  • 上课时间: 可具体咨询
  •  招生年龄:
  •  班级人数:
  •  补习方向:
  •  教学目标:


Service Description

  • Time: Sunday:
  •  Admission Age:
  •  Number of students per class:
  •  Subjects:

Learning objectives:

国际象棋课程/Chess course







Chess class and other subjects’ settings


Bowen Chess course offers students the opportunity to learn and develop their chess skills with a highly experienced teacher. Our teacher has led teams to compete in national-level chess tournaments and has extensive experience in teaching both beginner and advanced chess players.

In the course, students will learn the basic rules and strategies of chess, as well as advanced tactics and game analysis. They will develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills through chess, as well as their ability to focus and concentrate for long periods of time.

Our teacher is dedicated to providing a supportive and engaging learning environment, where students can develop their skills at their own pace. They will provide personalized feedback and guidance to each student, helping them improve their game and reach their full potential.

Whether students are new to chess or have already developed advanced skills, our International Chess course offers something for everyone. Students will have the opportunity to participate in friendly matches and competitions and develop a lifelong love of this fascinating game.

We welcome students of all ages and skill levels to join us in this exciting and rewarding learning journey and to discover the joys and challenges of international chess with our experienced teacher.

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