中国舞 / Chinese Dance

课程信息介绍 上课时间: 可具体咨询  招生年龄:  班级人数:  补习方向:  教学目标:   Service Description Time: Sunday:  Admission Age:  Number of students per class:  Subjects: Learning objectives: 中国舞/Chinese Dance 博文的中国民族舞蹈课程为学生提供了学习中国传统舞蹈的机会。我们高度专业的舞蹈老师有16年的教学经验,善于让孩子们在课堂上保持参与和兴趣。 在该课程中,学生将学习中国舞蹈的基本动作和风格,以及每种舞蹈背后的文化意义。他们还将通过练习和表演培养节奏感和协调性。 我们的老师致力于创造一个积极和鼓励的学习环境,让学生感到通过舞蹈来表达自己。他们将为每个学生提供个性化的反馈和指导,帮助他们提高技术和表现。 中国民族舞蹈课程不仅是一项体育活动,也是一种文化体验。通过舞蹈动作和其背后的故事,学生将对中国文化和传统有更深的理解和欣赏。 我们欢迎各种水平和背景的学生加入我们这个令人兴奋和丰富的学习旅程,并与我们的专业老师一起发现中国民族舞蹈的美丽和快乐。   Bowen Chinese Dance Bowen Chinese dance classes provide students with the opportunity to learn traditional Chinese dance. Our highly professional dance teachers have 16 years […]


  • 上课时间: 可具体咨询
  •  招生年龄:
  •  班级人数:
  •  补习方向:
  •  教学目标:


Service Description

  • Time: Sunday:
  •  Admission Age:
  •  Number of students per class:
  •  Subjects:

Learning objectives:

中国舞/Chinese Dance







Bowen Chinese Dance

Bowen Chinese dance classes provide students with the opportunity to learn traditional Chinese dance. Our highly professional dance teachers have 16 years of teaching experience and are adept at keeping children engaged and interested in class.

In this course, students will learn the basic movements and styles of Chinese dance, as well as the cultural significance behind each dance. They will also develop a sense of rhythm and co-ordination through practice and performance.

Our teachers are committed to creating a positive and encouraging learning environment where students feel able to express themselves through dance. They will provide individual feedback and guidance to each student to help them improve their technique and performance.

The Chinese Dance programme is not only a physical activity but also a cultural experience. Through the dance movements and the stories behind them, students will develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture and traditions.

We welcome students of all levels and backgrounds to join us on this exciting and enriching learning journey and to discover the beauty and joy of Chinese folk dance with our expert teachers.

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