吉他 / Guitar Course

课程信息介绍 上课时间: 可具体咨询  招生年龄:  班级人数:  补习方向:  教学目标:   Service Description Time: Sunday:  Admission Age:  Number of students per class:  Subjects: Learning objectives: 吉他课程/Guitar course 博文吉他课程旨在帮助已经具备一定吉他技术水平的学生进一步提高能力和表演水平。我们的课程可以是古典、民谣和电吉他等不同风格。 我们很自豪地宣布,我们的吉他课程是由一位非常专业的吉他老师授课。他是大学音乐表演课程的教授。该老师有多年的教学和超高的表演经验,对各种吉他风格都很了解。他们将带领学生探索吉他的奥秘,提高他们的演奏技巧和音乐表达能力。 在课程中,学生将学习各种技巧和技能,包括和弦、音阶、旋律、节奏和和声。我们的课程强调实际应用,学生将有机会在课堂上表演和创作自己的音乐,并得到老师的指导和反馈。 我们的吉他课程是一个充满挑战和乐趣的学习之旅,我们欢迎有兴趣的学生加入我们,与我们的专业老师一起探索吉他的魅力。   Guitar class and other subjects’ settings The Bowen Guitar Course aims to help students who already have a certain level of guitar skills to further improve […]


  • 上课时间: 可具体咨询
  •  招生年龄:
  •  班级人数:
  •  补习方向:
  •  教学目标:


Service Description

  • Time: Sunday:
  •  Admission Age:
  •  Number of students per class:
  •  Subjects:

Learning objectives:

吉他课程/Guitar course






Guitar class and other subjects’ settings

The Bowen Guitar Course aims to help students who already have a certain level of guitar skills to further improve their abilities and performance levels. Our course covers classical, folk, and electric guitar styles.

We are proud to announce that our guitar course is taught by a highly professional guitar teacher. He is a professor of music performance courses at the University. The teacher has years of teaching and performance experience and is knowledgeable in various guitar styles. They will lead students in exploring the mysteries of the guitar, improving their playing skills and musical expression.

In the course, students will learn various techniques and skills, including chords, scales, melodies, rhythm, and harmony. Our course emphasizes practical application, and students will have the opportunity to perform and create their own music in class, with guidance and feedback from the teacher.

Our guitar course is a challenging and enjoyable learning journey, and we welcome interested students to join us and explore the charm of the guitar with our professional teacher.

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